487 Scenarios

Three girls one weekend

Three child hood girlfriends get together for one weekend and a trip dow memory lane.

The story begins in an impressive office building. Travelling through the hall and up into the office of Business executive Nadine Paterson. During an important business meeting she is interrupted by a disturbing phone call that prompts her to cancel her meeting and all her appointments for the following two weeks. At a Funeral Home, two girls (Valerie, a screenwriter and Edith, a nurse and mother of three) pay their respects to their best friend's deceased father. After the ceremony, they gather for a light snack and support with their friend. During the following evening, alone at home, Nadine goes through a box of odd souvenirs and decides to invite her two best girls for a weekend at her country house. The viewer take a trip down memory lane during the weekend as the three girls remember all the good times they had together and all their regrets of the things they have yet to accomplish. The memories of camp days depict Nadine and Valerie being mischievous and self assured. It gives the viewer a good understanding of their present adulthood business success. When they part after the weekend, they go back to their lives of ; Being a single mother, still single business woman and screenwriter, but the important talk they had during their weekend will prompt them in moving towards their lost childhood goals. Edith, who's overweight and has low self confidence, might finally find the love of life. Valerie, who has been too busy making a name for herself in Hollywood, might finally have a baby of her own. It is all about where you put your priorities and values. Nadine, who has been working like a mad woman to built a career and make money, might finally stop long enough to find true love.

The Island

Hoping to begin a new life after their father's death, two bankrupt but determined sisters fly off to the island of Martinique to claim their last possession, a sailboat. Many surprises await them.

A funeral procession takes a coffin to its final resting place in a small village of the south of France. Two young and beautiful sisters, mourn their deceased father. On the opening of the will, they are dumbstruck to learn they are bankrupt. On the other hand they have inherited a Sailboat in the Caribbean isle of Martinique! They sell the content of the house and Domain to pay off their father's debts. Charlotte (in her mid twenties) will try to convince her young sister, Sophie (in her late teens) that soon after getting the titles to the ship; they would be back in their beloved France. A huge deception awaits them when they arrive on the island: A mix of the two sisters' imagination and worst nightmare. The pour thing is in dry ducks, left to fend for itself against the natural elements. It needs A LOT of work before even thinking of putting it back into the ocean. With great determination and newly found strength and maturity, Charlotte the oldest, will hire the necessary help to restore the boat to sailing and proper working conditions. Enrolled in high school Sophie will complete her school year with the help of her new best friend. When the man Charlotte hired to sand and paint the boat shows up, her heart skips a beat. Franco, a beautiful young, Italian will slowly step forward, inviting her and the young Sophie for a day out to the Volcano then a second ?'date'' at the beach. Slowly gaining both sister's trust and love. Safe after the passage of a devastating hurricane, Franco will reveal who he really is.

Opération robinet d'amour

Recherche réalisateur pour une comédie qui assurément ne passera pas inaperçue une fois diffusée à l'écran.

Après un malencontreux accident, Ivan Castellani, gardien de but de football, se retrouve sans pénis à l'hôpital, dans le service de chirurgie réparatrice du professeur Van Dongen, en attente de greffe. A quelques chambres de là, le célèbre acteur de film X, Marto Pilon, est alité pour une oreille coupée. Pendant ce temps, deux Japonais amputent de leur sexe des clochards sur les quais de la Seine. Au milieu d'un trafic d'organes masculins dans lequel baigne le professeur Van Dongen, Ivan et Marto vont « se disputer la verge », laquelle passera de l'un à l'autre. Ivan sera aidé par la pulpeuse Amanda, transsexuel en camionnette, et par Babar pour la partie médicale. Mutilé, puis séquestré par les Japonais, Marto connaîtra l'humiliation avant de se lancer à la reconquête de son précieux bien. Jusqu'à ce que l'inspecteur Safi mette le pied sur la pièce à conviction? Opération robinet d'amour est une comédie. La verge y est superstar : croquée, coupée, détachée, rapportée, greffée, vendue, échangée, emballée, expédiée, exhibée, moulée, confisquée, chantée, convoitée, adorée. Bien qu'omniprésent, le sexe n'a rien d'obscène ; détaché de son contexte, « coupé » du corps, il perd son caractère choquant et scandaleux, gagnant en objectivité. Il y est décrit dans tous ses états, toujours sur le mode de la comédie, à travers plusieurs personnages, chacun donnant une version et une vision différente du sexe masculin. Tabous et préjugés sont abordés avec humour et cocasserie dans un esprit de liberté typiquement français. Le rocambolesque de l'intrigue apporte mouvement et action, tandis que certaines scènes invitent davantage au repos et à un esthétisme poétisant. Traitant d'un sujet délicat, peu abordé parce que soumis à la censure et au tabou, Opération robinet d'amour pourrait donner une bonne comédie « à la française », légèrement décapante.
